Multilingual Learners
District 103 is home to a diverse group of students and families. More than 45 languages are spoken in the homes of our students. Student language development is classified using six levels of proficiency standards established by World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA). Students move from “level 1 - entering” through “level 6 - reaching.” Based on these different levels, students receive various degrees of language support. Collaboration and co-teaching is the focus for delivering high-quality instruction to our Multilingual Learners (MLL). The co-teaching model allows students an opportunity to learn academic content in the classroom with their peers while having their language needs met through a collaborative effort between their teachers. MLL student growth is assessed annually using the ACCESS assessment. This data will be monitored to ensure that students are progressing in their English acquisition. For more information about student language growth or the ACCESS assessment, please visit the WIDA website.
The school offers opportunities for resident Multilingual Learners to achieve at high levels in academic subjects and to meet the same challenging State standards that all children are expected to meet. The State requires that families new to the District complete a Home Language Survey. This information is used to help identify students who need to be assessed for English language proficiency. If the assessment indicates a child would benefit from additional assistance, these services are offered. Each school in District 103 is staffed with a teacher qualified to assist students in improving their English language proficiency skills.
Guardians of Multilingual Learners (ML’s) will be informed how they can: (1) be involved in the education of their children, and (2) be active participants in assisting their children to attain English proficiency, achieve at high levels within a well-rounded education, and meet the challenging State academic standards expected of all students.
Please address any questions about the ML program to Jacqueline Bever, Multilingual Services Coordinator, in the District 103 Curriculum & Instruction Department: 847-295-4030 or email her at