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Student Services

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Special Education Services

District 103 supports a full continuum of special education services to meet the needs of students through nine distinct components of service.

  1. Early Childhood Program (Itinerant Services; Blended Classroom; Self-Contained/Extended Day)
  2. Resource Program (Specific Skill Development; Curricular Support)
  3. Itinerant Supports (Speech Language; Hearing; Vision)
  4. Direct Instruction Classes (English Language Arts, Math)
  5. Intensive Instructional Program
  6. Guided Program
  7. Therapeutic Day School/Residential Placement
  8. Home/Hospital Programming
  9. Related Services

Contact Us

Dr. Gina Finaldi,

Dr. Gina Finaldi,

Director of Student Services
Mary Burks

Mary Burks

Student Services Specialist

What is Student Services?

Special Education Programming

The Student Services Department administers the district's special education programs. District 103 offers a full continuum of services for children ages 3- to 15-years-old, representing grades pre-kindergarten through eighth.

Special Education includes those instructional programs, related services, and specialized materials and equipment that are required to help children with exceptional learning characteristics benefit from their educational program. Children require special education when their educational performance is adversely affected by their exceptional learning characteristics. If a student is evaluated to determine their eligibility under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and they are identified as having a disability but do not qualify for an IEP under IDEA, they may qualify under Section 504. 

The goals for children receiving special education are exactly the same as the goals for children in the regular program. However, because of the nature of their special needs, these children may require related services, different teaching methods, materials, or equipment, and in some instances, a special class or school.

We are required by state and federal law to provide an appropriate education for all children with special needs; however, District 103 takes pride in our special education programs and services because we believe that all children have a right to an education which meets their specific needs.
