Special Education Programming
Direct Instruction Classes
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
Guided Programs
The Guided Programs are for students with disabilities who require a milieu that provides an individualized functional academic curriculum, intensive related services, and explicit instruction in order to develop self-care, independence and functional life skills. A team approach to problem-solving and the provision of services provides instruction that includes but is not limited to:
- Functional academic skills
- Self-care skills
- Communication skills
- Social skills
- Self-management skills
- Independence skills
- Pre vocational skills (e.g., time management, task completion)
- Decision-making skills
- Recreation/Leisure skills
- Community-Based Instruction (CBI)
Students within the Guided Program are provided with multiple opportunities for integration on-site at District 103 and within the community at large.
Hearing & Vision
Areas addressed through Hearing and Vision services include but are not limited to:
- Efficient use of technology to increase access
- Increased independence
- Increased self-advocacy
- Curricular and environmental modifications and adaptations
Home/Hospital Services
Home/Hospital services are provided to a student when a licensed medical physician determines that the student, will or is anticipated, due to a medical condition, to be out of school for a minimum of two consecutive weeks of school (10 days) or more, or on an ongoing intermittent basis.
Intensive Instructional Programs
The Intensive Instructional Program (IIP) is a program for students with disabilities who require a milieu that offers students the option of a home-base throughout the school day with integrated support in the areas of social communication, emotional regulation and transactional supports. Intensified case management and a team approach to problem solving and service delivery provide instruction related to:
- Academics (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Science)
- Self-management skills
- Social skills
- Language skills
- Sensory regulation skills
Participation in the general education setting is a priority and dependent upon individual strengths and needs.
Related Services
- Adapted Physical Education (APE)
- Audiology
- Aide (1:1 and Classroom)
- Assistive Technology
- Consultative Services (Private Placement)
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Psychological Services
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Social Work/Counseling
- School Health Services
- Transportation
- Behavior Intervention Plans
Resource Programs
The District 103 Resource Programs are designed to support students within the general education curriculum including, but not limited to:
- Developing active and independent learners;
- Supporting the general education curriculum across the content areas, and
- Improving specific skills (i.e., reading fluency, decoding, encoding, comprehension, math computation/application, written expression and executive functioning.)
Speech/Language Program
Areas addressed through speech language therapy include but are not limited to:
- Expressive language skills
- Receptive language skills
- Social Pragmatics
- Articulation
- Chronic or acute voice quality, pitch or volume issues
- Auditory processing challenges
- Fluency or stuttering
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Swallowing (dysphagia)
Therapeutic Day Schools/Residential Placement
For students requiring intensified support systems and supervision with extensive related service programming that needs to be provided on a more immediate and centralized basis, District 103 offers alternate off–site placements within a variety of therapeutic day schools within the D103 Catchment area.