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Visiting Schools

Security procedures are in place at our schools for visitors during the school day and apply on days and times of student attendance to help protect students when they are in the school. All visitors (including guardians/family members, volunteers, vendors, delivery personnel, etc.) need to ring the bell outside the main entrance. A staff member greets visitors over the intercom and asks visitors to state the purpose of the visit. Upon entry to the building, visitors proceed directly to the main office and provide a state-issued identification card or driver’s license (DL). Visitor identification cards/DLs are scanned and verified against security databases, and the system records the visit. The DL or identification card is retained by office staff in a locked location. Once approved for entry, a visitor badge and lanyard must be worn in a clearly visible manner throughout the visit. Visitors are required to proceed immediately to their location in a quiet manner. Upon completion of the visit, the visitor must return the authorized pass at the “check-in” area, and the driver’s license or state ID will be returned at that time.

We expect visitors to abide by all school rules during their time on school property. A visitor who fails to conduct himself or herself in a manner that is appropriate will be asked to leave and may be subject to criminal penalties for trespass and/or disruptive behavior.   Any person who engages in prohibited conduct may be ejected from or denied admission to school property in accordance with State law.  The person may also be subject to being denied admission to school athletic or extracurricular events for up to one calendar year.

We welcome guardians to visit the schools. Visits to the classroom provide firsthand knowledge of children’s learning activities. Before visiting, please contact the school principal in order to set up the visit and make any special arrangements. The principal may be aware of special activities, such as testing, which may detract from a visit or hinder the children’s activity. We kindly request guardians to bring items for children (e.g., lunches, gym shoes), when necessary, to the school office. We will deliver items promptly in a manner that minimizes classroom disruptions and preserves quality learning time for your child. Visiting by younger siblings or other children during school hours is discouraged.