Homework & Religious Holidays
District 103 recognizes that certain religious holidays occur during the school year, and has adopted the following procedure to ensure fair and sensitive treatment for all students:
- Students may be excused, without penalty, to observe religious holidays within their traditions.
- Students and/or guardians must notify staff, at least 5 calendar days in advance, of the planned absence to request special accommodations.
- Provisions will be made for students who expect to be absent to get assignments ahead of time and to have class work reviewed by the teacher.
- Assignments that are due on one of the major religious days are to be submitted to the teacher at a mutually agreed upon date following the student’s return to school, with no penalty for late filing.
- Students who are absent for religious observations are permitted to make up all missed work during their absence. Because many religious observances often involve family activities, students will not be expected to complete homework, study for tests, or do other school work during their absence and will be given 5 calendar days, following the religious holiday, to make up the missed work.
- Out of respect for the diversity of the community, efforts will be made to avoid scheduling major events on major religious holidays.