Health Services
District 103 employs registered nurses who maintain up-to-date and accurate health records on each child in the school district. They provide staff training, basic medical care, first aid and assist teachers in classroom health discussions. Their duties also include vision and hearing screenings for mandated grade levels and referred students. Students requiring ongoing health care may be eligible for individual health care plans and/or 504 Plans developed using district and federal protocols. For more information on these plans, please call the school nurse at the building your child attends or visit the Health and Wellness page for medication and other authorization forms.
Health & Wellness
Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District 103 is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and the development of lifelong wellness practices. We believe physical well-being has a direct impact on student learning and behavior. Children need access to healthful foods and opportunities to be physically active in order to grow, learn and thrive. Good health fosters student attendance and learning. The District has formulated Board Policy 6:50 on School Wellness.
A full-time school nurse is available daily. If a child becomes ill in school or has a serious accident, guardians are notified immediately. Please be certain the school emergency contact information is kept current with guardian phone number(s) and with the phone number of a person to be called if the guardian cannot be reached. All children must be symptom-free (fever/diarrhea/vomiting) for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing, medication before returning to school after an absence due to illness.